International Study Session – “Advancing at Constructing Safe Learning Space in Non-formal education” – a Council of Europe session, in partnership with the Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN)
European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary | 31 October – 6 November 2022
The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is excited to co-lead an International Study Session in partnership with the Council of Europe’s Youth Department and the Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN), an international non-profit organisation which gathers individuals and civil society organisations committed to human rights education for and with young people.
Study sessions are international educational seminars/trainings for young people which bring together members of youth organisations or networks and experts for discussions on a specific subject.
In line with the Regional Scout Plan priorities and principles, this study session will ensure Scouting continues to create space to discuss the importance of Safe Space in Non formal Education while contributing expertise and shared learning with other youth organisations and networks across member states of the Council of Europe.
Bitte meldet euch bei Interesse spätestens bis zum 27. Juli bei mir, damit die Registrierung noch rechtzeitig erfolgen kann!
Viele Grüße und Gut Pfad
Ilka Essig (sie/she)
VCP Bundesleitung – Referat Internationales
VCP National Board – International Commissioner